Monday 31 March 2014

Giza to Temple of Jupiter, Damascus, Syria

Giza Pyramid Complex, Al Haram, Giza, Egypt
31° 8'3.04"E

Temple of Jupiter, Old Damascus, Damascus, Syria

Distance: 390 miles / 627 km
Heading: 49.6°


Line from Giza to Damascus

Giza close up

Damascus close up

Giza to Temple of Jupiter, Rome, Italy

Giza Pyramid Complex, Al Haram, Giza, Egypt
31° 8'3.04"E

Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, Rome, Italy

Distance: 1325 miles / 2132 km
Heading: 313.5°

- Temple of Jupiter is in ruins now but the original walls are visible inside the museum
- Temple of Jupiter sits on top of Capitoline Hill!

Line from Giza to Rome

Giza close up

Rome closeup

Giza to Temple of Jupiter, Pompeii, Italy

Giza Pyramid Complex, Al Haram, Giza, Egypt
31° 8'3.04"E

Temple of Jupiter, Pompeii, Naples, Italy

Distance: 1194 miles / 1922 km
Heading: 313°


Line from Giza to Pompeii

Giza closeup

Pompeii closeup

Giza to Temple of Ramses

Giza Pyramid Complex, Al Haram, Giza, Egypt
31° 8'3.04"E

Temple of Ramses, Abu Simbel Temples, Aswan, Egypt

Distance: 527 miles / 848 km
Heading: 176.59°

- falls exactly on the same line between Giza and Gebel Barkal Pyramids

Line from Giza to Temple of Ramses

Giza closeup

Temple of Ramses closeup

Giza to Gebel Barkal

Giza Pyramid Complex, Al Haram, Giza, Egypt
31° 8'3.04"E

Gebel Barkal, Karima, Northern, Sudan

Distance: 789 miles / 1269 km
Heading: 176.71°


Line from Giza to Gebel Barkal

Giza closeup

Gebel Barkal close up

Sunday 30 March 2014

Giza to Kuwait

Giza Pyramid Complex, Al Haram, Giza, Egypt
31° 8'3.04"E

Grand Mosque, Arabian Gulf Street, Kuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait

Distance: 1013 miles / 1630 km
Heading: 88.14°

- close to 90° heading

Lines from Giza to Kuwait

Giza close up

Kuwait close up, line matches the path exactly!

Giza to Konarak

Giza Pyramid Complex, Al Haram, Giza, Egypt
31° 8'3.04"E

Sun Temple, Konârak, Odisha, India
86° 5'40.51"E

Distance: 3486 miles / 6511 km
Heading: 88.15°

- close to 90° heading

Line from Giza to Konarak

Close up of Giza

Close up of Konarak

Saturday 29 March 2014

Giza calculations and theories

By degrees:
43° - Giza to Astana
45.55° - Giza to Baalbek
49.6° - Giza to Damascus, Syria
88.14° - Giza to Kuwait (Giza to Temple of Ramses * 0.5)
88.15° - Giza to Konarak (Giza to Temple of Ramses * 0.5)
135.56° - Giza to Mecca
176.59° - Giza to Temple of Ramses
176.71° - Giza to Gebel Barkal
313° - Giza to Pompeii, Italy
313.5° - Giza to Vatican (Giza to Mecca + Giza to Temple of Ramses)

Degrees Observations:
- Perhaps pole shift has cause the alignments to go out by 2-3° over thousands of years?
- (45° * 1) - 2° = 43° (Giza to Astana)
- (45° * 2) - 2° = 88° (Giza to Kuwait and Giza to Konarak)
- (45° * 3) - 0° = 135° (Giza to Mecca)
- (45° * 4) - 3° = 177° (Giza to Temple of Ramses and Giza to Gebel Barkal)
- (45° * 7) - 2° = 313° (Giza to Vatican)
- 313° + 135° - 360 = 88° (Giza to Konorak)

By distance:
627 km - Giza to Damascus, Syria
655 km - Giza to Baalbek (Vatican * 0.333333)
848 km - Giza to Temple of Ramses (Kuwait * 0.5)
1269 km - Giza to Gebel Barkal (Baalbek * 2)
1448 km - Giza to Mecca (Vatican * 0.666666)
1630 km - Giza to Kuwait (Konarak * 0.25)
1922 km - Giza to Pompeii, Italy
2134 km - Giza to Vatican (Konarak * 0.333333)
4065 km - Giza to Astana
6511 km - Giza to Konarak (Vatican * 3)

Distance Observations:
Giza to Mecca is roughly two thirds of the distance Giza to Vatican
Giza to Baalbek is roughly one third of the distance Giza to Vatican
Giza to Vatican is roughly one third of the distance Giza to Konarak
Giza to Kuwait is almost exactly one quarter of the distance Giza to Konarak
Giza to Temple of Ramses is roughly half the distance Giza to Kuwait

- At four thirds of the distance / 2844km from Giza there should be an important site
- At 225° from Giza there should be an important site
- Found Sukur, Nigeria at 224° and 2805 km from Giza which is a UNESCO heritage site and a possible match

Lines from Giza to Vatican, Baalbek & Mecca

Found Sukur, Nigeria UNESCO Heritage site, which looks interesting

It matches the distance and heading roughly from Giza

Friday 28 March 2014

Giza to Astana

Giza Pyramid Complex, Al Haram, Giza, Egypt
31° 8'3.04"E

Astana Tower, Astana, Akmola Province, Kazakhstan
51° 7'41.68"N

Distance: 2526 miles / 4065 km
Heading: 43°

- close to 45° angle

Line from Giza to Astana

Astana closeup

Giza closeup

Giza to Vatican

Giza Pyramid Complex, Al Haram, Giza, Egypt
31° 8'3.04"E

St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City, Italy

Distance: 1326 miles / 2134 km
Heading: 313.5°

- close to 315° angle = 360° - 45°

Line from Giza to Vatican

Giza closeup

Vatican closeup

Giza to Mecca

Giza Pyramid Complex, Al Haram, Giza, Egypt
31° 8'3.04"E

Mecca and the Kabah, Mecca, Makkah Province, Saudi Arabia

Distance: 900 miles / 1448 km
Heading: 135.56°

- close to 135° angle = 45° + 45° + 45°

Line from Giza to Mecca

Giza closeup

Mecca closeup

Giza to Temple of Jupiter, Baalbek, Lebanon

Giza Pyramid Complex, Al Haram, Giza, Egypt
31° 8'3.04"E

Temple of Jupiter, Baalbek, Põhja-Liibanon, Lebanon
34° 0'26.05"N

Distance: 407 miles / 655 km
Heading: 45.55°

- close to a 45° angle

Line from Giza to Baalbek

Giza closeup

Baalbek closeup
